
عرض المشاركات من مايو, 2024

Liza Shay VS 3 Big Cock - Non Stop Anal Sex


Sweet Liza Shay Takes in Big Ass Four Big Pissing Dick





Awakened Part (1)   Once I had discovered masturbation the switch had been flipped, shit I did it at least two or three times a day. I swore it was going to fall off from being jerked so much. Needless to say sex became a preoccupation of my every waking moment. Be real what eighteen year old male doesn't spend half his life thinking of food and the other half thinking of sex. I had a routine where I would get home from school and head to my room to "do my homework"; which of course required a relaxation session first. Ostensibly to help my concentration, or so I reasoned to myself. I remember the day exactly; it was a Tuesday. Mom always did laundry on Tuesday, but always in the morning while I was at school. The hormonal teenage brain rarely functions well, and when I threw my backpack onto my chair and headed for my bed to stret...

My Summer At The Hansons

My Summer At The Hansons Part (1)      I had just finished the school year and was looking for a summer job. I woke up one Saturday morning, making my way to the kitchen. My mom was at the kitchen table talking to our neighbor, Mrs. Hanson, who lived across the street. "Ashley, can you come here for a minute," My mom called out. "What's up, Mom?" I asked, walking over to them. "Honey, Natalie was looking for a Nannie for her kids this summer and was wondering if you'd be open to it," My mom told me. "Um, yeah, I sure would," I said, excited. Great, Ashley; when you get time this weekend, come over, and I'll introduce you to the family and lay out the requirements for you. "Great, I'll stop over this morning," I said excitedly. Later that day, I walked across the street to the Hanson's and met the family: Mr. Hanson, who seemed too busy to talk. Brad, who was six, and Beth, who was four, and their ...

Whore Sister

Whore Sister Part (1)   I was feeling a little anxious as I pulled up in front of the run-down apartment building where my sister lived. Part of it was worry about parking my car on the street in this part of town. The other (larger) part was the weird, somewhat strained relationship between my sister and me. She was a few years older, and when I was a kid I thought Jill was a goddess. I was totally infatuated with her. She was my idea of the perfect woman, my first crush, and yes, in my hormone-ridden years I used to fantasize about her in a less-than-appropriate way. Then, starting shortly after her eighteenth birthday, she began to change. She became more distant, and started fighting with my parents all the time. I barely recognized her anymore, and really wasn’t that surprised when she wound up leaving home. My contact with her became pretty spotty. I think she was homeless for a while, and a couple months after she left I found out that she was pregnant. She w...

Dog Who Owned Me

Dog Who Owned Me Part (1)         My life changed on a Friday, just after I'd turned eighteen and recently moved into a new life. That's how I liked to think of it. After leaving the modest village where I'd grown up, I'd moved to the modest town where I'd be attending community college. I wanted to be a graphic artist or something, I wasn't really sure, but I liked art and I was kind of good at it anyway. So those were the kind of classes I took while I worked part-time at Sears, dressing mannequins and putting up decorations and displays, stuff like that. It wasn't a bad job, even if it only paid for my rent and just enough food to keep me from starving. My parents sent me a little every month and I'd be okay, except I was lonely. I mean, it was a new town and I didn't really know anyone except my landlady. She was an older woman, divorced, and renting out the small apartment above her garage. It wasn't much, but I could afford it...

How far would we go for his sister?

How far would we go for his sister? Part (1) It was the start of summer break from college, and I was in my best friend John's room, looking through the window and down at his backyard, where his younger sister was sunning herself by their pool. I had known Lila since she was young, and she had always been John's annoying little sister—until one day, she just wasn't. It felt like, in the blink of an eye, she went from pest to eye candy.  Down by the pool, she wore a tight, yellow bikini that showed off her C-cup tits, taut stomach, and long legs. Her red hair was splayed out on the lounger she lay in as she tried her best to tan her milky skin. She wore dark shades that made it impossible to see her emerald-green eyes.  John grunted as he finished his set with the bench press and sat up. Sweat made his skin glisten, and the recent effort made his muscles pop. He had been working hard on his body for years, and you could tell.  "You know I caught her t...

Picture Pregnant Romance

Picture Pregnant Romance Part (1)    Wendy is feeling lonely after her husband deploys to the Gulf, but at least his best friend is there to comfort the pregnant woman. -- This is not a cheating story! This is a book by Rachael Ross "You never heard the story?" Marcia smiled as Sadie shook her head. "Tell her Wendy, it's a good one." I shrugged, eating my salad in the hospital cafeteria with my two friends. It was a good story and I didn't mind telling it. "It's one of those stories that are too weird not to be true," Marcia chuckled. She was a light colonel in her mid-forties, and chief pharmacist there at Tripler Army Medical Center in Hawaii. I was younger at 27 and Sadie might have been a bit older than me, but not by much. "Really?" Sadie smiled politely, because that's what captains do when a superior officer talks, friends or not. She worked in Ob/Gyn and more ...

Stacy Cruz


Cock Starved Ria Sunn & Sarah Key, fill their mouths
