My Summer At The Hansons Part (1) I had just finished the school year and was looking for a summer job. I woke up one Saturday morning, making my way to the kitchen. My mom was at the kitchen table talking to our neighbor, Mrs. Hanson, who lived across the street. "Ashley, can you come here for a minute," My mom called out. "What's up, Mom?" I asked, walking over to them. "Honey, Natalie was looking for a Nannie for her kids this summer and was wondering if you'd be open to it," My mom told me. "Um, yeah, I sure would," I said, excited. Great, Ashley; when you get time this weekend, come over, and I'll introduce you to the family and lay out the requirements for you. "Great, I'll stop over this morning," I said excitedly. Later that day, I walked across the street to the Hanson's and met the family: Mr. Hanson, who seemed too busy to talk. Brad, who was six, and Beth, who was four, and their ...