My Summer At The Hansons

My Summer At The Hansons



 I had just finished the school year and was looking for a summer job. I woke up one Saturday morning, making my way to the kitchen. My mom was at the kitchen table talking to our neighbor, Mrs. Hanson, who lived across the street.

"Ashley, can you come here for a minute," My mom called out.

"What's up, Mom?" I asked, walking over to them.

"Honey, Natalie was looking for a Nannie for her kids this summer and was wondering if you'd be open to it," My mom told me.

"Um, yeah, I sure would," I said, excited.

Great, Ashley; when you get time this weekend, come over, and I'll introduce you to the family and lay out the requirements for you.

"Great, I'll stop over this morning," I said excitedly.

Later that day, I walked across the street to the Hanson's and met the family: Mr. Hanson, who seemed too busy to talk. Brad, who was six, and Beth, who was four, and their nine-month-old Great Dane Brutus. Brutus was a rambunctious male who weighed eighty-five pounds and stood about waist level with me. He spun in circles and barked at me until Mrs. Hanson grabbed and threw him outside.

"Ashley, he's a handful. He's a bigger baby than the kids. He's the son of the neighbor's dog, Pilot," she laughed.

"Yeah, he's like a tornado," I laughed.

"If he gives you trouble, just put him outside. He loves the ladies," she said, laughing.

Mrs Hanson went over the rules for the kids and my responsibilities. I went home, ready to start my first day of work on Monday. I woke up Monday morning and packed a bag with my clothes, figuring I'd shower and change at the Hanson's because I had to be there at six am, and I just thought I could sleep a while.

I walked into their kitchen in my nightshirt and sat in the kitchen at the breakfast bar on one of the stools. Mrs. Hanson was dressed for work, and her husband left for a business trip on Sunday. Brutus came into the room and greeted me, and I ruffed up his head as Mrs. Hanson told me the kid's daily schedule; I had my feet on the foot of the bar stool with my knees spread a bit.

I noticed Brutus sniffing me between my legs as I spoke with Mrs Hanson. I sipped my coffee and almost jumped out of my chair. Brutus had snuck his nose under my nightshirt and shoved his nose into my pussy, giving me a big snort. I jumped, spilling my coffee on the counter and standing up quickly.

"Are you ok, Ashley, Mrs. Hanson asked?

"Um, yeah, Brutus just startled me," I said, confused at what happened.

"Brutus, get out of here, leave Ashley alone," she scolded him.

"Bad dog," I whispered to him.

Mrs Hanson left, and the kids wouldn't be up for hours, so I grabbed a box of the kids' cereal and headed to the family room to watch TV. I threw a body pillow against an ottoman in front of an overstuffed chair and turned on the TV. I was lying on the pillow with my feet on the floor and my legs apart, my nightshirt falling to my waist, my bald pussy and ass peeking out, my knees swaying back and forth. I was munching on cereal and watching TV when Brutus wandered into the room, settling in front of me, lying down facing me a couple of feet in front of me. I ignored him at first, but then I noticed him slowly sneaking closer to me.

"What are you up to, you sneaky bastard? I see you sneaking closer. I told him.

I watched as he slowly crept closer and closer. I let him go to see what he wanted. His head ended up inches away from my thighs, sniffing at me.

"Does my pussy smell or something Brutus," I asked him.

My body stiffened as I felt his cold nose on my pussy.

"Bad boy Brutus, bad no pussy," I scolded him.

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