
عرض المشاركات من يوليو, ٢٠٢٤

My neighbour Emily

My neighbour Emily Chapter 2 Yawning I turned to the next page of my textbook. My eyes glanced over the page looking at the massive walls of text. “Calculus permits us to take this limit, and indeed uses just this limit as the definition of the derivative. We thus define the instantaneous velocity vector as the time-derivative of the position vector” I glance over at my clock and see that its already well past midnight. Sighing I shut the textbook and yawn. Exam week is in less than month and I’m still weeks behind on my study. Standing up and stretching I look out my window at the sheets of rain that are hammering down on the rooftops of houses. I walk out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. Opening the fridge I grab a bottle of milk and open it up before taking a swig from it. I smirk thinking of how my mum would usually yell at me if she weren't at a conference for work. Sitting down at the bench I open up my phone and begin scrolling through Facebook. Seeing posts from all of m