
عرض المشاركات من فبراير, 2024

Elsas nightmares make a way for her to get intimate with her foster stepparents

      Elsas nightmares make a way for her to get intimate with her foster stepparents      

- Her model doesn't sit still like she needs

  - Her model doesn't sit still like she needs    

Horny Wife Honey Hayes Is Super Wet To Fuck A Guy Her Husband Picked


Thanksgiving Orgy Featuring Teen StepDaughter Aften Opal


You Get An A Honey- Candice Dare


A Cock in the Hand Ch. 02

A Cock in the Hand Ch. 02   I arrived home after running all the way back. Standing outside the back sliding door, I caught my breath and looked for any signs of life in the house. So far so good, I thought, as a mixture of drying cum and saliva on my chin and neck reminded me, this was not a bad dream. Despite the sweat from summertime humidity in Dallas, my shriveled, cum-soaked cock was beginning to feel crusty. I crept inside and heard no signs of stirring. My choice was to either sneak into the bedroom and take a shower, which would surely wake my wife, Amy; or take a shower in the guest bath, that would get her radar up if she caught me. I decided I could explain it as feeling bad after our fight and not wanting to disturb her, so I headed to the guest bath. Unfortunately, there was no shampoo or conditioner in that bath, so body wash would have to do. As I removed my crusted, cum-filled underwear and shorts, I realized there was no explanation for that. So I...

Sharing Donna

Sharing Donna  All this happened a long time ago when we were young, dumb and thought we were indestructible. It started like many another Saturday night. Donna and I were kicked back on the couch drinking wine and watching tv when Gary stopped by. His wife, Ann, did not approve of drug use and he was ready for a few lines before his evening out and about. I didn’t mind Gary stopping by because he always brought coke and Crown Royal and between the coke and the alcohol, Donna would be in the mood to fuck. I would have a good time tonight. Donna loved coke and handed Gary the mirror and razor blade. This might be a good time to describe Donna. She was 22 at the time with short black hair framing her green eyes and full lips. 100 pounds were packed into a slim cheerleader’s 5’ frame. 32 DD breasts with excitable nipples were carried high on her chest. Donna was gorgeous. Gary had brought Crown Royal as well as the coke. I made drinks while Gary ran out som...