The Night I Desired

Please let me introduce myself. I am Jim, roughly 6 feet tall, dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a little chunkier than I would have liked. Ever since I touched myself for the first time, I’ve thought about women. I’ve only had one girlfriend by the age of 22. By now you’ve probably guessed – one girlfriend – “I bet he watches a lot of porn.” Yes, you would be correct. One day I had been watching porn and stumbled upon a woman with a dick. Mind you, this was by accident because of the misleading title. At first I felt awkward, confused, and lost at many things. A woman with man parts? How could this be? After a few minutes, this concept began to greatly intrigue me. I suddenly found myself researching the tags of the video. Transsexual, shemale, tranny, t-girl, transvestite, ladyboy, all meaning about the same thing, if not in some way related to each other. While doing this research I became even more fascinated – it had opened up a whole new world to me.